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There is a worrier in all of our brains that is healthy and a hero for us (she stops us getting hit by a bus after all) but for some of us, this worrier gets out of control.  We can become obsessive in our thoughts and spend much of our life feeling like something bad is about to happen, feeling like we must do something to stop bad things from happening or feeling gross in our chest and stomach as the anxiety overwhelms us. We want to help you create a more cooperative relationship with this part of yourself. One in which you can feel more in control, more calm, more centered and more creative.

It’s sad but true that anxiety has reached epidemic proportions in our society today. In our fast-paced, pressured, nonstop lives and culture, it can be incredibly challenging to keep up. We also tend to put an enormous amount of pressure on ourselves to be everything to everyone. It feels like it never ends, and we often feel like we’re failing to be all that we’re supposed to be. We’re doing backflips trying to be Superheroes, but on the inside, we can feel like we’re about to crumble.

Anxiety is the WORST. It can look and feel like…

  • Ruminating, worrisome thoughts, especially when trying to fall asleep

  • Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up in the morning

  • Racing heart, tension or tightness in our bodies

  • Headaches, low energy, a feeling of being “on edge”

  • Panic attacks that can be scary and debilitating

  • A sense of being disconnected from ourselves and the world around us

  • Fear. All the time. About ALL the things.

  • Loss of libido, decreased sense of beauty and self-worth

  • Changes in appetite or weight loss/gain

  • Avoidance of social outings or interactions with loved ones

  • Strained relationships

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • A strong, pervasive drive to “figure out” what is “wrong” with us, resulting in overwhelm, endless Google searches, and exhaustion

  • Overuse of booze, sex, shopping, food to try and feel some relief

If this sounds like you, you do NOT have to suffer alone with this anymore. The fantastic news about anxiety is that it’s highly treatable, meaning, making even small changes in your life and thinking patterns can result in HUGE improvements and often feeling better faster than you might think! Working with a trained anxiety counselor can help immensely in your journey to heal from anxiety.


"Pain is part of life but suffering doesn't have to be." - unknown.  When we experience depression we often can't think straight, can't move without pain and feel separate from the flow of life.  I want to help you find an end to your suffering and to find a way to bring compassion to yourself.  I often work with people who want to break free of their depression without medication but I am also open to working with your psychiatrist to coordinate care if you do feel that medication is a good step for you in your process. 

What are symptoms of depression?

  • Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" mood

  • Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism

  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities, including sex

  • Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling "slowed down"

  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions

  • Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping

  • Low appetite and weight loss or overeating and weight gain

  • Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts

  • Restlessness, irritability

  • Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders and pain for which no other cause can be diagnosed.

If you or a loved one experiences several of the symptoms above, know that there is help.

Contact me for more information.